Thousands to Rally in Washington

Washington, D.C., September 11 — On Saturday, Sept. 16, thousands will rally in Washington DC on behalf of the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes. The rally is part of an international campaign by Palestinian refugees and their supporters on behalf of the right of return, with similar events scheduled to take place in Europe and the Middle East. In Washington, the program will begin with a march leaving Freedom Plaza at 11:00 a.m., proceeding along Pennsylvania avenue, and culminating in a rally at Lafayette Park.
The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), the nation‘s largest Arab-American membership organization, strongly supports the Right of Return for Palestinian refugees. The rally is organized by the PRRC coalition and sponsored by over 70 organizations, including ADC. ADC President Hala Maksoud said “the Arab-American community, and all those who are committed to a single standard for the human rights of all people, strongly support, and demand the implementation of, the Palestinian Right of Return. 52 years of exile is long enough.”
At its annual convention in June, ADC adopted a resolution committing itself “to do everything possible to promote the prompt realization of the Right of Return for Palestinian refugees.” The over 3.5 million Palestinians refugees have an absolute, inalienable and individual human right to return to their original homes and country. This right is enshrined not only in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Fourth Geneva Convention, but more specifically in UN Resolution 194, for which the United States voted. ADC affirms that Palestinian refugees are also entitled to a full restoration of their property, and to compensation for all losses incurred as a result of dispossession and exile.
RALLY AT LAFAYETTE PARK, 12pm-4pm, Saturday, September 16
for more information see

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