Please fill out this form clearly, describe the incident with enough information so we can better understand your complaint. The information you provide will remain confidential during the investigation and verification of the incident. ADC does not provide legal assistance in the following matters: divorce/family related cases, contract/business related cases, and criminal cases.
If you have been contacted by the FBI for an interview or appointment, we can help. Please call our office right away at 202-244-2990.

Our community is becoming increasingly vulnerable. The documentation of hate crimes or discrimination based on ethnicity, nationality, or religion is important to our community as a collective — please report them to the ADC Legal Department and to the proper authorities.
Please be advised that the content on this website is not intended to replace the advice and counsel of an attorney. The legal information contained on the website has been prepared by the ADC Legal Department as a service to its readers and the users of this site and is not intended to constitute legal advice.
Income Guidelines for Services
We generally serve individuals whose household income is at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. For some types of cases, we may serve individuals whose household income is up to 300% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines.
ADC Cannot Help Everyone
Even if you are eligible for our services, we cannot accept every case. ADC must avoid conflicts of interest. A conflict can arise, for example, if we gave legal help to the opposing party in your case. If there is a conflict of interest, we won’t be able to accept your case.
There are also many other reasons why ADC may not be able to take your case, including that Legal Aid simply does not have enough staff to represent all applicants who need help. If we do not take your case, we will send you a notice to let you know. We will not state the reason or whether there is a conflict of interest.