Take Action: Join ADC, AAI, and CPAO to Demand Boehner Cancels the Netanyahu Speech
Join ADC, AAI, and CPAO to Demand Boehner Cancels the Netanyahu Speech Please join the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination ...
ADC Demands Delta Airlines Investigate Discriminatory Treatment of Arab Passengers
ADC Demands Delta Airlines Investigate Discriminatory Treatment of Arab Passengers Click here to view a video of ...
Help Us Take a Strong Stance Against Anti-Arab Hatred
Help Us Take a Strong Stance Against Anti-Arab Hatred Dear Supporter, I am writing to ask for ...
Take Action: Tell Congress to End Unwarranted Spying
Tell Congress to End The Patriot Act's Unwarranted Spying The USA PATRIOT Act has significantly reduced our ...
ADC’s ‘American Sniper’ Campaign in the News + more
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee اللجنة الأمريكية العربية لمكافحة التمييز Wednesday, January 28, 2015 The Weeks Ahead Nationwide: NATIONWIDE DEADLINE: ...
Advancing Justice Bulletin January 2015
Advancing Justice Bulletin Dearborn, MI | www.adcmich.org | January 27, 2015 - The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee Michigan Office ...
UPDATE: ADC Actions on ‘American Sniper’-Related Racism
UPDATE: ADC Actions on American Sniper-Related Racism Washington, DC | www.adc.org | January 27, 2015 - The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination ...
ACTION ALERT: ADC Requests Public Statement from Clint Eastwood, Bradley Cooper
ACTION ALERT: ADC Requests Public Statements from Clint Eastwood and Bradley Cooper Washington, DC | www.adc.org | January ...
Community Advisory: ADC Alarmed by Increase in Hate Rhetoric
Community Advisory: ADC Alarmed by Increase in Hate Rhetoric Washington, DC | www.adc.org | January 20, 2014 ...
Support the MENA Category on the U.S. Census + more
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee اللجنة الأمريكية العربية لمكافحة التمييز Wednesday, January 14, 2015 The Weeks Ahead Nationwide: Jan. 19 ...