Press Releases

ADC is Proud to Present the Ralph Johns Award to Gregory T. Nojeim of the Center for Democracy and Technology
JUNE 11-14, 2015  ADC is Proud to Present the Ralph Johns Award to Gregory T. Nojeim Washington, D.C. ...
Ayman Mohyeldin, Foreign Correspondent for NBC NEWS and Anchor for MSNBC to Give Keynote Speech at Dinner Reception this Friday!
JUNE 11-14, 2015  Ayman Mohyeldin to Give Keynote Speech at Friday's Dinner Reception! Washington, D.C. | | ...
ADC Celebrates Supreme Court Decision in Zivotofsky v. Kerry (Jerusalem Passport case)
  ADC Celebrates Supreme Court Decision in Zivotofsky v. Kerry (Jerusalem Passport Case) (Photo: ADC Legal Director Abed ...
ADC to Present the “Pro Bono Attorney of The Year Award” to Michael Hanna at ADC’s annual Civil Rights Luncheon next Friday!
JUNE 11-14, 2015  ADC to Present the Pro Bono Attorney of The Year Award to Michael Hanna Washington, D.C. ...
ADC to Honor Nidhal Garmo with Humanitarian Award at Saturday’s Women’s Empowerment Luncheon!
JUNE 11-14, 2015  ADC to Honor Nidhal Garmo with Humanitarian Award at Saturday's Women's Empowerment Luncheon Washington, D.C. | ...
Palestinian Ambassador Maen Rashid Areikat to Speak at ADC Palestine Luncheon Next Sunday!
JUNE 11-14, 2015  Palestinian Ambassador Maen Rashid Areikat to Speak at Palestine Luncheon Next Sunday! Washington, DC | ...
Join Ralph Nader Next Friday Morning for a Special “Citizen Empowerment” Session at the ADC Convention!
JUNE 11-14, 2015  Join Ralph Nader Next Friday Morning for a Special "Citizen Empowerment" Session at the ADC Convention! ...
ADC Women’s Empowerment Forum to Honor Maha Kaddoura for Excellence in Philanthropy
JUNE 11-14, 2015  ADC Women's Empowerment Forum to Honor Maha Kaddoura for Excellence in Philanthropy Washington, D.C. | ...
ADC Supports Polis Amendment (H. Amdt. 312) to the House CJS Appropriations Bill (H.R. 2578)
ADC supports House Amendment 312 offered by Representative Jared Polis of Colorado to the House Commerce, Justice, and ...
ADC Announces a Palestine Panel: “Non-Violent Tactics to End the Israeli Occupation and Protect Palestinian Human Rights “
JUNE 11-14, 2015 ADC Announces a Palestine Panel: "Non-Violent Tactics to End the Israeli Occupation and Protect Palestinian ...
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