Take Action to Stop Cyber Surveillance: Operation Fax “Big Brother”
Take Action to Stop Cyber Surveillance: Operation Fax "Big Brother" Washington, DC | www.adc.org | July 27, ...
ADC is proud to welcome former Congressman Nick Rahall to the ADC National Board of Directors
ADC is proud to welcome former Congressman Nick Rahall to the ADC National Board of Directors Washington, ...
ADC welcomes federal indictment of Dylann Roof on hate crime charges
ADC welcomes federal indictment of Dylann Roof on hate crime charges Washington, DC | www.adc.org | July ...
Tell Congress to Reject Racial & Religious Profiling in the CVE Act + more
Thursday, July 23, 2015 Upcoming Events ADC Events: Saturday, July 25th at 6PM-10PM in Silverado, CA. ADC Orange County ...
Join ADC next week on Capitol Hill for a Congressional briefing, “Gaza One Year Later: The Quest for Accountability”
Join ADC next week on Capitol Hill for a Congressional briefing, "Gaza One Year Later: The Quest ...
The ADC family wishes you and your family a warm and loving Eid!
Support ADC | Become a member | Facebook | Twitter | adc.org ADC | 1990 M Street NW, ...
ADC opposes CVE Act, calls for removal of racist relic + more
Tuesday, July 14, 2015 Upcoming Events California: Saturday, July 25th at 6PM-10PM in Silverado, CA. ADC Orange County ...
Take Action: Tell Congress to Reject Racial & Religious Profiling! Reject the CVE ACT!
Tell Congress to Reject Racial & Religious Profiling! Washington, DC | www.adc.org | July 13, 2015 ...
ADC Remembers Omar Sharif, Legendary Arab Actor and ADC Lifetime Achievement Awardee
ADC Remembers Omar Sharif, Legendary Arab Actor and ADC Lifetime Achievement Awardee Washington, DC | www.adc.org | ...
Will you stand with ADC and protect the civil rights of all Americans?
Dear Supporter, The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) is celebrating a milestone of 35 years of commitment to civil ...