Press Releases

ADC Pleased that UN World Racism Conference Continues to Examine Israel’s Racism
WASHINGTON, DC -- The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) today expressed deep disappointment that the United State has withdrawn ...
Israel Targets Arab-American Doctor, Seizes Medical Equipment
WASHINGTON, DC -- Israel has once again singled out a U.S. citizen of Arab ethnicity for special security ...
ADC Condemns Attack on Trade Center, Government Buildings
WASHINGTON, DC -- The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) today condemned the horrifying series of attacks on the World ...
ADC Welcomes the Administration’s Rejection of Anti-Islam Bigotry
The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) welcomes comments from President Bush and Secretary of State Powell that distance the ...
INS Defies Obey Court Orders to Release Secret Evidence Victims
WASHINGTON, DC -- The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) is continuing to incarcerate two of the last people ...
ADC Delegation Meets with Kofi Annan
WASHINGTON, DC -- United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan met on Tuesday, December 19, with a delegation representing ...
CNN Assures ADC that it will Continue to Broadcast Rula Amin’s Stories
WASHINGTON, DC -- In a telephone conversation with ADC Communications Director Hussein Ibish, Richard Davis, Executive Vice-President of ...
Thank ABA Journal for Cover Story on Palestinian Refugees
Washington, DC -- The American Bar Association (ABA) Journal published an excellent cover story in its latest issue, ...
U.S. Aid to Israel Funds the Occupation:
In the peace process, the U.S. claimed to be an "honest broker" fair to both sides. At the ...
The Question of Violence:
Both sides have committed acts of violence against unarmed, non-combatant civilians. Over 1000 people have died since September ...
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