Press Releases

Arab-American University Student Retreat July 25-28
July 25-28, 2002 (Thursday through Sunday) Prince William Forest Park Triangle, VA (35 miles from Washington DC) Cabins, ...
Facts about Islam
Islam is an Arabic word meaning submission to God. As a religion Islam calls for complete acceptance of ...
Arab Stereotypes and American Educators
By Marvin Wingfield and Bushra Karaman, March 1995 Download in PDF When American children hear the word “Arab" ...
The Arab American Community: Issues of Concern
Arab Americans are increasingly a part of the ethnic mosaic of the Washington metropolitan area. Currently there are ...
Legal Updates
Legal Updates September 2005 $2.45 Million to Man Cleared of Terror Links September 23, 2005 Temporary DHS Guidelines ...
ADC Special Announcement from ADC Board Chairperson Safa Rifka and President Mary Rose Oakar:
ADC Announces New $10 Basic Membership An important step in adding 100,000 new members by ADC's historic 25th ...
ADC Testifies at Congressional Briefing on Civil Rights
WASHINGTON, Nov. 4 (ADC)- ADC Legal Advisor Carol Khawly gave testimony on immigration and special registration at a ...
ADC Demands Merriam Webster Correct Definition of “anti-Semitism”
ADC Action Alert: BACKGROUND: ADC recently sent a letter to Merriam-Webster demanding that the company take steps to ...
ADC Advisory Statement to Arab Americans and Muslims
In light of the horrific acts of violence committed in Saudi Arabia by a group of fanatical extremists, ...
ADC Joins ACLU in Lawsuit Asking for Information Release on Possible FBI JTTF Spying on Political and Religious Groups
ADC Press Release: May 18, 2005, Washington, DC — Today ADC is joining the American Civil Liberties Union ...
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