Action Alerts

Tell your Member of Congress to Support H.R. 102
Tell your Member of Congress to Support H.R. 102 Amer Foster Care Improvement Act Introduced in House of RepresentativesTake action now! Ask your member ...
Call on Washington to Demand an Immediate Ceasefire and an End to the Siege on Gaza
Call on Washington to Demand an Immediate Ceasefire and an End to the Siege on Gaza Call on the White House and Congress for ...
28 Years after Alex Odeh’s Murder, the US Government should Indict Terrorists
28 Years after Alex Odeh’s Murder, the US Government should Indict Terrorists 28 years ago, a terrorist attack killed a US citizen on US ...
Oppose Anti-Immigration, Anti-Family Legislation
The U.S. House of Representatives is currently considering an anti-immigration, anti-family bill that would eliminate the Diversity Visa Lottery, drastically cut family unification visas, ...
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