ADC Condemns Trump’s Vulgar Comments on Haiti and Africa

Washington, D.C. | | January 12, 2018 – The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) vehemently condemns the racially offensive comments reportedly made by President Donald Trump yesterday behind closed doors.   

This administration has repeatedly exhibited prejudice toward immigrants from countries in Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East. This un-American discrimination has manifested itself in hardline immigration policies that have targeted hardworking, law-abiding, and even nominally legal residents; and sought to exclude whole groups of people from the country. From the Arab and Muslim Ban to the lowered cap on refugee admittance, to this week’s revocation of Temporary Protection Status for 200,000 El Salvadorans, many observers had already suspected that what lurked behind these policies was nothing less than an anachronistic and exclusionary white-identity nativism. The president’s reported comments only adds credence to the fear that Donald Trump is reviving old prejudices and practices. 

These comments are sure to complicate Congressional efforts to reach a bipartisan compromise on immigration reform. Moreover, they will lead to more strain and scrutiny on minority communities in the U.S. At a time when immigration is such a critical issue with millions of lives around the globe at stake, the President’s handling of the situation is polarizing rather than unifying, which is to say remarkably un-Presidential.  

As the largest grassroots Arab-American organization, ADC supports and advocates for the civil rights of all people and will continue to be your ally through these trying times. We will not stay silent and let xenophobic and degrading rhetoric go unchallenged. 

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