1. No moral equivalence
"There is no moral equivalence between suicide bombings on the one hand, and Israel's killing of Palestinians on ...
1. First Steps
Parents should first approach the teacher or principal. Describe the incident(s) and the effect on your child. If ...
How to Respond to Incidents of Discrimination in Schools–Advice to Parents
If students believe that other students, teachers, or school staff members are treating them in a discriminatory way, ...
Immigration Law Advisory – Change of Address
Atlanta Immigration Judge William A. Cassidy declared that the federal government cannot deport legal immigrants for not willfully ...
Dr. Ziad J. Asali’s speech at the AMC June 30, 2002
The tragic events of September 11 have not only had a profound impact on the relationship between the ...
ADC Welcomes Ruling Against Secret Hearings
WASHINGTON, DC — The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) today welcomed a ruling by the 6th U.S. Circuit Court ...
ADC Welcomes Ruling that Government Must Release Names of Detainees
WASHINGTON, DC - The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) today warmly welcomed the ruling by U.S. District Judge Gladys ...
Ibish, Pipes and St. Pierre Discuss International Anti-American Sentiment
CNBC - The News with Brian Williams August 15, 2002 Thursday (excerpt) HEADLINE: Daniel Pipes from Middle East ...
A Just and Lasting Peace:
A genuine peace with a minimum of justice requires an independent and viable Palestinian state on the territories ...
Edward Said on Arabs
DISUNITY AND FACTIONALISM "What lies behind the Pavlovian regularity with which Arabs try to hurt and impede each ...