Since 1981, over 400 students have participated in the ADC Research Institute's (ADCRI) Internship Program. Students from all ...
ADC’s statement on arrest of Sami Al-Arian
The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) supports efforts to enhance our nation‘s security but remains committed to ensuring that ...
Are Palestinians Affected by INS Special Registration?
Washington, DC, Feb. 21--On January 30, 2003, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) and the Arab American Institute (AAI) ...
Text of Letter
February 19, 2003 The Honorable Howard Coble U.S. House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515 Dear Congressman Coble: We, ...
61st Day of Remembrance
There are few things more precious than civil rights. The treatment of Japanese Americans during World War II ...
In Legal First, Groups Urge High Court to Review Secret Court Ruling on Government Spying
NEW YORK, Feb. 18 - In an unprecedented legal move, a coalition of civil liberties and Arab-American groups ...
The Cradle of Civilization The area of what is modern Iraq was the birthplace one of the earliest ...
Mass March and Rally in New York City
"The World Says No to War" February 15 will be an international day of actions to oppose a ...