Press Releases

In Pursuit of Peace
Ziad Asali MDPresident ADCSpeech at Tikkun Conference in Washington DCJune 2, 2003 The march of events of humankind ...
Israel Attacks Palestinian Refugees, Demolishes Homes
Washington, D.C. — In a major escalation, Israel attacked the Khan Younis refugees camp in the Gaza Strip ...
Racist Incitement by Israeli Leaders Must End
Washington, D.C. - One of the leading Israeli political and religious leaders, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, called for the ...
National Lawyers Guild Questions Military Aid to Israel, Documents Systematic Violation of US and International Law
WASHINGTON, DC -- The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), the largest Arab-American membership organization, welcomes a report by the ...
ADC Mourns Death of Faisal Husseini
Washington, DC --The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) is deeply saddened by the death of Faisal Husseini, who died ...
Arab-American Leaders Voice Concerns About US Mid-East Policies
Washington, DC, May 25th — At a meeting with Bush Administration National Security officials, Arab-American and American Muslim ...
Israel Admits Using Nail-Bomb to Kill 3 Palestinian Women
Washington D.C. -- Israeli military officials today confirmed that three Palestinian women, Nasra Malalha, 65, Samia Malalha, 37, ...
Mideast Peace must Reflect International Law, Justice
Washington, DC -- The largest Arab-American membership organization in the United States, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), reaffirms ...
Arab Americans, Muslims Meet with Chair of US Commission on International Religious Freedom
Washington D.C. -- A delegation of representatives from major Arab-American and American Muslim organizations met today with Elliott ...
ADC Welcomes Secretary Powell’s Proposal to Ease Sanctions on the Iraqi People
Washington D.C. -- The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), the nation's largest Arab-American membership organization, today welcomed proposals by ...
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