Press Releases

Daily Star – “Arab-Americans go to battle on television news networks”
The following article on Arab American efforts to communicate in the mass media, particularly television, appears in the ...
Rebuilding Iraq Conferences
The Rebuilding Iraq: Small Business Subcontracting Opportunities Midwest Summit will feature accessibility to contracted companies for small businesses ...
ADC Op-ed: “Violence is a human, not an Islamic trait”
The following op-ed article, "Violence is a human, not an Islamic trait," by ADC Communications Director Hussein Ibish ...
2004 Jack G. Shaheen Mass Communications Scholarship
Purpose: To recognize Arab American students who MAJOR and EXCEL in Journalism, Radio, Television and/or Film. Eligibility: Juniors, ...
ADC Presses Secret Service on Fundraiser Discrimination, Lawmakers Express Outrage
Washington, DC, Dec. 10 - The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) continued to press the Secret Service for an ...
The following is the “dear colleague” letter was sent today by Congresswoman Betty McCollum, and Congressmen Conyers, Dingell, and Lewis, about the Baltimore Hotel/Secret Service Case
December 10, 2003 Price of Admission to Bush fundraiser in Baltimore: $2,000 Money Raised at Bush fundraiser in ...
Hotel Employee Removed by Secret Service before Bush Fundraiser on the Basis of Name Mohamed
Washington D.C., Dec. 5 -- The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) is asking the Secret Service for an explanation ...
ADC mourns loss of Paul Rask
Paul Rask, lawyer, and founder of the Oregon Chapter of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee passed away Saturday morning, ...
ADC President Hon. Mary Rose Oakar: ADC’s Legal Team Gets Results
Dear Friends, I'm sure you are all aware of the important progress we recently achieved when the Department ...
ADC’s Legal Department
Over the last two years since September 11th, ADC has worked tirelessly to protect the civil rights of ...
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