Press Releases

Pipes Nomination Vote Postponed
ADC Calls on Community to Continue Contacting Committee Members and Urging them to Reject Pipes' Nomination Washington, DC ...
Pipes Nomination Vote Scheduled for Next Wednesday Monday is National Call-in Day to Oppose
The nomination of Daniel Pipes to the Board of Directors of the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) ...
US Census and Discriminatory Hiring Practices
Excellent Article on Census and Discriminatory Hiring Practices in Chicago Tribune Chicago Tribune, Friday, August 27, 1999. Pg. ...
ADC Urges INS to Abide by Court Ruling, Release
ADC Action Alert: Contact Attorney General Janet Reno to Release Nasser Ahemd After being held for over three ...
ADC Action Alert:Contact Attorney General Janet Reno to Release Nasser
ADC Action Alert: Contact Attorney General Janet Reno to Release Nasser Ahemd After being held for over three ...
ADC Update: NATIONAL ORGANIZING CONFERENCE ON IRAQ, Oct. 15 to 17 "You ask me about the sack of ...
ADC Letter in Today’s New York Times on Disney and Jerusalem
ADC Letter in Today's New York Times on Disney and Jerusalem To the Editor: Re your Sept. 18 ...
Chicago Tribune Calls for Ending to Sanctions on Iraq
Chicago Tribune Calls for Ending to Sanctions on Iraq In today‘s issue, the Chicago Tribune joins the Orange ...
Shared Memories of Sabra and Shatila (long)
Shared Memories of Sabra and Shatila On this, the 17th anniversary of the massacres at Sabra and Shatila, ...
Arab-Americans Welcome Disney’s Dialogue with Arab League
Arab-Americans Welcome Disney‘s Dialogue with Arab League Delegation Representation of Jerusalem in Israeli Exhibit Subject of Controversy Washington ...
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