Press Releases

Leave your Legacy at ADC
How to Leave Your Legacy at ADC (PDF) Fill Out, Print and Mail it to ADC Click here ...
Mahmoud Abbas Editorial in Wall Street Journal
Is the 'Road Map' at a Dead End? October 20, 2005 When I meet in Washington today with ...
Al Funoun to Perform inWashington, DC on Dec 2
The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee's DC Area Chapter (ADC-DC), The Jerusalem Fund for Education and Community Development,and The Network ...
Philadelphia Tells Muslim Police to Trim Beards or Lose Jobs October 19 (Bloomberg) -- Philadelphia police officer Kenneth Wallace, a nine-year veteran of the force, is serving ...
Upcoming Palestinian Movie to be Distributed by Warner Brothers
October 18, 2005 The Palestinian Invasion: Will "Paradise Now" Be the Biggest Arabic-Language Film Ever? by Anthony ...
ADC Calls On Community To Help South Asian Earthquake Victims
October 13, 2005 Washington, DC -- The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) calls on all people to extend a ...
EASY TARGETS: Arab Americans Fight Bias
October 7, 2005 Two Arab American federal workers expose racist harassment and discrimination in the U.S. Department of ...
TSA Watch Lists Clearance Procedure
October 7, 2005 Washington, DC -- The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has made available the form necessary for ...
ADC Extends Best Wishes for Ramadan
October 4, 2005 Washington, DC -- The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) extends its best wishes to the Muslim ...
2005 Arabian Sights Film Festival in Washington, DC
The 2005 Arabian Sights Film Festival featuring contemporary Arab Cinema will take place October 14 - 23 in ...
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