Action Alerts

ADC Disappointed by Congress’ Failure to Pass Pocan Amendment
ADC Disappointed by Congress' Failure to Pass Pocan Amendment ADC is deeply disappointed that Congress failed to pass the Pocan Amendment with a vote ...
Injustice in Palestine & Criminalization of Speech that Exposes Injustice
Injustice in Palestine & Criminalization of Speech that Exposes Injustice The Israeli forces’ violent suppression of the demonstrations in Occupied East Jerusalem and the ...
Action Alert: Resist Hate and Redefine America Today
The Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) calls on all community members to write their representatives and urge them to support Rep. Mark Pocan’s amendment to ...
ACTION Alert: Demand Mayor Bill de Blasio Support Open Government
The Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) calls on all community members to write to Mayor Bill de Blaiso, Mayor of the City of New York, ...
ACTION Alert: Demand Mayor Bill de Blasio Support Open Government
The Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) calls on all community members to write to Mayor Bill de Blaiso, Mayor of the City of New York, ...
ADC Troubled by the Supreme Court’s Decision to Partially Reinstate Travel Ban
ADC Troubled by the Supreme Court's Decision to Partially Reinstate Travel Ban Washington, D.C., June 26, 2017 The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination (ADC) is troubled by ...
Action Alert: Who’s snooping around your secrets?
Washington, D.C. | | June 14, 2017 – The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) calls on you to ask your representatives to take a ...
Take Action: Oppose the Arab and Muslim Ban 2.0
The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) calls on all community members to take immediate action against the Arab and Muslim Ban 2.0. The administration’s attempt ...
Arab and Muslim Ban 2.0: How to Prepare for Travel and Litigation Updates
March 6, 2017 | | Washington, D.C. – A few moments ago Donald Trump signed another Executive Order (EO) aimed at banning Arabs ...
Day of Action Against Arab and Muslim Ban
The revised executive order on the Arab and Muslim ban is expected next week.  Join ADC and MPower Change for a Day of Action: ...
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