ADC is sponsoring a number of events and activities in commemoration of Deir Yassin Day, April 9

Schedule: Remembering Deir Yassin

Event 1
Vigil for the victims of Deir Yassin 1948 April 9, 6.00 pm, in front of the White House Remember the more than a hundred killed at Deir Yassin, the 418 lost Palestinian villages, the 750 000 displaced people and the victims of 50 years of dispossession. No present can be remedied without acknowledging the past.
Speaker: Mr Daniel McGowen, Deir Yassin remembered
Sponsored by : Arabic Club at Georgetown University
Arab American Anti Discrimination Committee
For more information call: (202) 784 7273
Event 2
Remembering Deir Yassin and Qana – Detroit College of Law at Michigan University
April 11, 2.00pm – 4.00pm, Moot Court Room, Detroit College of Law at Michigan University Video, “In search of Palestine” narrated by World Literary Critic Dr. Edward Said, Professor at Columbia University. Video, “Qana” – featuring footage of Qana today and interviews with Lebanese survivors. Campaign against Home Demolitions Candle Light Vigil (DCL at MSU courtyard)
Event 3
Learn the history; Film “Palestine, Story of a Land” by Israeli-Moroccan Simone Bitton.
April 12, 7.30pm, Intercultural Center 115, Georgetown University Washington DC
Event 4
Learn about the “Abuse of Human Rights of Palestinian Refugees” with Susan Akram, Esq. April 13, 7.30pm, Intercultural Center 108, Georgetown University Washington DC
Event 5
Learn about the miserable fate of children living in refugee camps for 50 years; “Rights Denied,” exhibit and presentation by Peter Fryer, Coordinator, Save the Children Project.
April 14, 6.30pm, White Gravenor 301A, Georgetown University, Washington DC
The Arab American Anti Discrimination Committee also has available postcards commemorating the victims of Deir Yassin, to be sent to Representatives, government officials, journalists and other relevant parties, and commemorative buttons on Deir Yassin Day. Please Contact ADC for copies of the postcards and for buttons.
See also the Deir Yassin advertisement to be published in the Washington Post, Thursday April 8, sponsored by ADC, Deir Yassin Remembered and other groups.
Please see the ADC website at

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