Washington, DC | www.adc.org | December 10, 2015 -The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) held a press conference to discuss the recent spate of bigoted speech espoused by presidential candidates and discriminatory legislation pursued by Congress. ADC was joined by a diverse coalition of civil rights organizations in denouncing the hateful rhetoric and asking for tolerance and acceptance of Arab and Muslim Americans.
“ADC would like to make a call for a national dialogue regarding the issues facing our country and the Arab and Muslim American community. We need to stand united as one country against the intolerance, bigotry and hate we are seeing in this country,” said Samer Khalaf, ADC President.
Click here to view ADC’s Statement
To read the statements issued by other groups in attendance, click the links below.
Asian Americans Advancing Justice
Japanese American Citizens League
Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
Click here to view a video recording of the entire press conference on YouTube.