Action Alert: Who’s snooping around your secrets?

Washington, D.C. | | June 14, 2017 – The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) calls on you to ask your representatives to take a closer look at the Section 702 Surveillance Tool. On Tuesday of last week, Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) introduced a bill on the Senate floor to make Section 702 as well as other parts of Title VII of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) permanent.

Our representatives should not haphazardly rush through bills and make permanent decisions without careful review.

Under the law, the US government is authorized to collect massive amounts of data without a warrant. Each year, over 250 million internet communications are collected under the authority of Section 702. Nearly 100,000 foreign nationals are monitored under Section 702, including their communications with American citizens. The data is often stored for several years, and the government can also use this information to investigate American citizens.

Title VII of FISA is set to expire on December 31, 2017. The bill proposed by Senator Cotton seeks to remove the periodic review of Tittle VII and make it permanent without revision or reform. It is important that we ask who this bill protects and who it targets and exploits.


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Why ADC Stands with You and Supports Review of the 702 Surveillance Tool:

• The arms of Section 702 of FISA are far reaching and allow the government to collect massive amounts of data without a warrant.

•In order to stop abuses of Section 702 and the rest of Title VII, it must be changed.

•We want to take a closer look: Who does Section 702 target and who is subjected to the invasive data collection?


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