Top 10 Reasons to Support ADC
There are infinite reasons to support ADC, but here are some of our favorite reasons!
- Our upcomingTuraath on December 15 is a magical night of musical enchantment from across the Arab world.
- ADC fought Trump’s Arab and Muslim Ban 1.0 and 2.0, and now we’re ready to fight 3.0 and put a final end to the Ban.
- ADC lawyers and staffers advocate for our community on TV, radio and in the press.
- No organization has challenged anti-Arab defamation like ADC — like our victory forcing Disney to change offensive lyrics in Aladdin.
- ADC’s annual 3-day convention is a political and cultural celebration of Arab-Americans.
- ADC provides pro bono legal counsel to our community, and we’ve recently won several anti-discrimination lawsuits.
- With Trump attacking Arab heritage in Jerusalem, ADC is needed to defend our heritage and future against Israeli occupation.
- ADC is relentless in exposing the anti-Arab bias of Trump staffers in our federal government. They try to hide, but we call them out!
- ADC is working to defend vulnerable Arab immigrants from being deported.
- ADC is Arab and Proud!
Please become a monthly contributor to ADC. Just $10 or more a month goes a long way toward supporting ADC’s mission.
So, please click on the “DONATE” button below and give your $10 monthly contribution Today!