Will you stand with ADC and protect the civil rights of all Americans?


American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee

Dear Supporter,

The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) is celebrating a milestone of 35 years of commitment to civil rights, highlighted by the 2015 ADC National Convention. The 2015 Convention, held in June, covered key topics including current civil rights movements, privacy rights, women’s and youth empowerment, and the Palestinian struggle.  For 35 years, the strength and backbone of ADC has been the membership base. Supporters such as yourself have not only contributed by becoming a member, but have also donated money or volunteered time and energy to support ADC’s initiatives and protect the civil rights of all Americans. 

It is only through the financial support of people like you that ADC continues to assert itself as the premier voice of Arab-Americans.  

With your financial support, we have recently accomplished some exciting feats. 

  • We assisted in legal victories in two landmark civil rights decisions in the U.S. Supreme CourtZivotofsky v. Kerry: The passport identification case which brought into question the identification of Jerusalem.  ADC was the only Arab-American organization to file an amicus brief, in which the Supreme Court ultimately struck down Congress’ attempt to unilaterally recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

    Equal Employment Opportunity Commission v. Abercrombie & Fitch Stores, Inc
    .: A religious accommodation case allowing a veiled woman to work for the exclusive brand.

    • The ADC-Women’s Empowerment Forum hosted an International Women’s Day celebration with the theme, “Women for Peace”. The celebration featured women’s rights advocate May Rihani, Ralph Nader, and Jordanian Member of Parliament Hon. Hind Al-Fayez.

  • We assisted the Coachella Valley High School administration in revising their “Arab” mascot caricature. The new mascot is known as the “Mighty Arabs.”


  • We held a successful Turaath concert, Arab Music from Baghdad to Andalusia. The concert, which celebrated the intersections of Arab and Spanish culture, featured legendary Palestinian composer Simon Shaheen and Qantara ensemble, as well as the iconic Tunisian singer Sonia M’Barek and Flamenco dancer from Spain.


  • We partnered with the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, a coalition of national civil rights organizations, to advocate for voting rights by participating in a Rally to Restore the VRA.
  • We continued to advocate for minority designation of Arab-owned businesses. 

I encourage you to continue supporting our work by making a donation. Your investment in ADC is essential to our continued success.



Samer Khalaf


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ADC | 1990 M Street NW, Suite 610 | Washington, DC 20036 | (202) 244-2990 | [email protected]

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