Weekly Newsletter: Emergency Gaza Advocacy Day this Thursday, #LetChildrenLive Advocacy Campaign+ more

American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee

 اللجنة الأمريكية العربية لمكافحة التمييز 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


The Weeks Ahead


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Last Week’s Wrap-Up

Articles of Interst

Want us to include an article you read? Send us an email!


Join the campaign: Take a picture of yourself holding a sign with a fact about the oppression of Palestinian children and the hashtag #BringBackOurBoys

Post it on all your social media accounts. Make your voice heard on behalf of the Palestinian children who can’t.

 #MyIdentity Campaign: Click here to fill out ADC’s Identity Questionaire

Watch ADC Interns talk about their identies 

Take Action: Urge your Congressional Representatives to support BDS


Take Action: Urge Congress to seek Justice for Alex Odeh!

Help us petition the CSAC for a Kahlil Gibran Stamp

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In Memoriam

of the Week

of the Week

Gaza Emergency: Daily Situation Reports

At least 612 people have been killed in Gaza since Israel’s current offensive began on July 8.

UNICEF Malaysia ‏@myUNICEF  

#Gaza update: 146 children killed since conflict; 10 children a day. #StopKillingChildren via @UNICEFpalestine  pic.twitter.com/Wq9IOlZtaK

Gaza: A History

By Jean-Pierre Filiu 

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