U.S. House of Representatives http://www.house.gov
U.S. Senate http://www.senate.gov
U.S. State Department http://www.state.gov
U.S. Department of Justice http://www.usdoj.gov/
Thomas: Legislative Information on the Internet http://thomas.loc.gov/
A service of the Library of Congress providing on-line information on Congress including floor action, bills, Congressional Record, committee information and other US Government Internet resources.
Contacting Congress http://www.visi.com/juan/congress/
An independent web site with a complete list of delegates in Congress with phone numbers, addresses and e-mail addresses and web sites for those Representatives and Senators that have them. You can send e-mail direct to your member of Congress from this web site and access the Congressional web sites. You can also contact your governor, state legislators and state officials for states that have web sites with this capability. Select interactive map from the web site index and click-on the state for easiest access.
Roll Call http://www.rollcall.com/
A Capitol Hill newspaper providing news and commentary on Congressional politics and what is happening on Capitol Hill.
US Government Printing Office Access http://www.gpoaccess.gov/index.html
Congressional and regulatory information can be searched on-line via the US Government Printing Office’s Access service.
Legi-Slate http://www.statenet.com/
An independent web page providing news on Congressional activities.
Library of Congress Legislative Branch Internet Resources
Internet resources for the U.S. Legislative Branch maintained by the U.S. Library of Congress.
United Nations http://www.un.org/
Foreign Embassies in the United States http://www.embassy.org/