Arab-American Activist Bassem Masri Arrested in St. Louis, MO

The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) has created a fund to post bond for prominent Arab-American activist, Bassem Masri, who was arrested in St. Louis, MO yesterday for unclear reasons and is still in custody.
Bassem’s bond is an outrageous amount of $15,000. He will not be able to see a judge to have it lowered until after Thanksgiving. His attorney in St. Louis tells us that the only way we can get him home to his family for the holiday is if we can raise the money immediately.
Click here to donate to Bassem’s bond and get him home to his family.
There is reason to believe that Bassem is being targeted by authorities for his activism. Bassem has played a major role on the ground in Ferguson, MO during this trying time for our country. He has been the eyes and ears for what’s happening in the community. His courageous “citizen-journalism” has received widespread attention and he has conducted several interviews in mainstream media, such as CNN, regarding the protests.
According to witnesses, Bassem was held at gunpoint by undercover police yesterday and taken into custody for no clear reason.
Please donate to Bassem’s bond
so we can get him home to his family.

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