UPDATE: ADC Actions on American Sniper-Related Racism
Washington, DC | www.adc.org | January 27, 2015 - The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) is eager to update the Arab American community on its actions and developments regarding American Sniper-related threats and racism.
Following an escalation in moviegoers’ threats and rhetoric against the Muslim and Arab communities, ADC delivered letters to American Sniper director Clint Eastwood and actor Bradley Cooper requesting public statements. We also called on ADC and community members to tweet the #AmericanSniper hashtag calling on Eastwood, Cooper, and the public to stand together against bigotry.
ADC received a statement from Warner Bros’ studios, as delivered to Reuters, that the company ”denounces any violent, anti-Muslim rhetoric, including that which has been attributed to [American Sniper] viewers … Hate and bigotry have no place in the important dialogue that this picture has generated about the veteran experience.” ADC is grateful for Warner Bros courage in standing up against bigotry. We thank our members and the public for raising awareness around this issue.
While Warner Bros has been responsive, Eastwood and Cooper have yet to respond to our requests.
As you may have seen, ADC has been raising awareness of American Sniper-related hate rhetoric in a variety of national and international outlets, from BBC, USA Today, and RT, to President Samer Khalaf appearing on FOX’s The Kelly File with Megyn Kelly.
Amid heightened attention around these issues, ADC is witnessing a continued increase in threats and attacks against the organization and the Muslim and Arab American communities at large. ADC is working directly with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and local law enforcement on addressing these threats. We reiterate our community advisory to the public and would like to remind ADC members and the public to remain stay alert.
If you or someone you know receives a threat online, please forward them to [email protected].

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