TONIGHT! The 4th Annual DC Palestinian Film and Arts Festival

Washington, DC | www.adc.org | October 2, 2014 – The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) is proud to co-sponsor the fourth annual D.C. Palestinian Film and Arts Festival (DCPFAF). This year’s festival is dedicated to the Palestinian people of Gaza and will run for four days, beginning tonight, Thursday, October 2, until Sunday, October 5. DCPFAF will highlight the work of Palestinians from the Gaza Strip, including writer Leila El Haddad and musician Huda Asfour, as well as the films Where Do the Birds Fly? by Fida Qishta, Gaza 36 mm by Khalil Al Mozayen, and Condom Lead by Tarzan and Arab Nasser.
The Festival will begin tonight with a reception and exhibit of infographics from Visualizing Palestine at the Emergence Community Arts Collective. The following days will be filled with this year’s most prominent films including Hany Abu Assad’s Oscar-nominated film, Omar, as well as Cherien Dabis’ critically-acclaimed May in the Summer. The panel, “Between Two Lovers: Palestinian Art Between Old & New,” will feature Laila Jadallah, photographer, and Tamara Reem, co-founder of Ibra w-Khayt, an embroidery start-up led by Palestinian women on the ground.
The full Festival program and tickets are available here. Come join us and many others in celebrating the breadth and depth of Palestinian culture and creativity!

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