Thank ABA Journal for Cover Story on Palestinian Refugees

Washington, DC — The American Bar Association (ABA) Journal published an excellent cover story in its latest issue, December 2000, on human rights law and the Palestinian refugees entitled “Where Will They Go?” The story is written by Jeffery Ghannam, a legal affairs writer for the ABA Journal. The seven page story addresses the issue of the dispossessed Palestinian refugees and their status under international law. As the cover states, “International law is on their side, but their future remains unsettled.”
The story properly explains international human rights law as it pertains to the Palestinian refugees and their 52-year struggle to go home. The story is described in the features section of the issue which states, “Just days before hostilities erupted in the Middle East, an ABA Journal reporter accompanied three Palestinian refugees across the Israeli border to visit their ancestral village. Like the Abu Laban family…, they seek a right to return home. International law is on the refugees’ side, but it may be ignored at the bargaining table. Without resolution, the refugee camps will likely remain flash points for unrest.”
ADC urges its members and supporters to thank the ABA Journal Interim Editor Ms. Debra Cassens, and the staff of the ABA Journal for this excellent cover story.
The ABA Journal Interim Editor Ms. Debra Cassens and the journal’s staff may be reached at:
Phone: (800) 285-2221 or (312) 988-6018
Email: [email protected]
Fax: (312) 988-6014

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