Take Action to Stop Cyber Surveillance:
Operation Fax “Big Brother”

Washington, DC | www.adc.org | July 27, 2015 – The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) calls on you to take action to stop cyber surveillance by participating in Operation Fax “Big Brother”.
The Senate is trying to pass the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA) in the coming weeks, and only you can help us stop it. Join the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), Fight for the Future, and a dozen other civil liberties groups in a grassroots action campaign.
Our coalition has been hard at work fighting Congress’ cyber surveillance bills. But the most important voices are yours. That’s why on July 27, 2015, we’re launching a week of action to make sure Congress is getting the message loud and clear: CISA must not pass. Here’s what you can do to help:
- Click here to Fax Big Brother. Use a new tool developed by Fight for the Future to fax your Senators directly from our coalition website and tell them to vote against CISA.
- Visit the Stop Cyber Spying coalition website to participate in Operation #StopCISA.
- If you have a blog, join us by publishing a blog post this week about why you oppose CISA, and help us spread the word about the action tools at https://stopcyberspying.com/ and https://www.faxbigbrother.com/.
- Help us spread the word. After you’ve taken action, tweet out why CISA must be stopped. Sample tweets:
- CISA sacrifices liberty without improving security. We deserve both. https://stopcyberspying.com/ #VetoCISA @BarackObama #FaxBigBrother #StopCISA
- Don’t trade away my privacy for a surveillance bill in disguise. https://stopcyberspying.com/ #VetoCISA @BarackObama #FaxBigBrother #StopCISA
- CISA lets police access our data without due process #FaxBigBrother to #StopCISA @ https://www.faxbigbrother.com/send
- CISA lets the government misuse our private data #FaxBigBrother to #StopCISA @ https://www.faxbigbrother.com/send
With your help, we’ll make sure Congress gets the message: now more than ever, we don’t need more cyber surveillance. We need better security. CISA must be defeated.

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