Palestinian American Community Center (PACC) to sponsor March for Gaza expressing solidarity with the people of Palestine
When: Sunday August 17, 2014 at 11 a.m.
Where: Starting at the intersection of Gould and Main Ave in South Paterson ending at Main Memorial Park on Main Ave in Clifton
Clifton, NJ – The Palestinian American Community Center (PACC) invites you to march for Gaza on Sunday, August 17, 2014. People from all backgrounds will march in solidarity with the innocent victims suffering from Israel’s ongoing assault on the people of Gaza and the West Bank. We ask that our federal elected representatives work to promote a fair and just approach that leads to peace and justice for all in the region.
The Israeli attacks on UN schools, religious institutions and civilians stand in violation of international law and they must be held accountable. We urge our government to join the rest of the world in demanding that Israel stop its unjust and indiscriminate use of force against the innocent residents in all of the Palestinian occupied territories. Our tax dollars have been used to fund this illegal military occupation, instead the billions of dollars in aid each year should go to funding schools right here at home – not to fund a brutal military occupation which denies basic fundamental rights to the people of Palestine.
With the toll in Gaza at nearly 2,000 deaths, 10,000 wounded and 400,000 civilians displaced, we the people are determined to keep the pressure on our government to relieve the immediate suffering of the people of Gaza.
We thank our brothers and sisters from all faith communities and ethnic backgrounds for standing in solidarity and in support of the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people to live in freedom.

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