Support ADC’s Legal Team in Defense of U.S. Arab Civil Rights
The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee is the largest Arab civil rights organization in the country — and the only one with a full-time legal staff to defend YOU.
Our work to defend civil rights derives its strength from our membership. With your help, our legal team has been able to create new milestones th for the Arab-American community:
To continue to fight for our community, the ADC legal team needs your help. Please consider making a donation today that will go towards our upcoming legal projects in 2015. Your donation is essential to helping the ADC legal team continue its work, which is needed now more than ever. All donations to ADC-RI are tax-exempt.
Making a contribution today is easy. You may either visit us on the web at support.adc.org or mail a check to the ADC National Office at 1990 M Street NW., Suite 610 Washington, DC 20036. You also have the option of calling us directly at (202) 244-2990
We thank you for your ongoing support and look forward to continuing to serve you in 2015.

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ADC | 1990 M Street NW, Suite 610 | Washington, DC 20036 | (202) 244-2990 | [email protected]
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