Support ADC-Michigan’s work to protect civil rights:
Dear Supporter,
ADC-Michigan Director Fatina Abdrabboh and I would like to wish you a very joyful holiday season and a wonderful year ahead. We at ADC are very grateful for your support of our organization. As 2014 comes to a close, we ask you to take a moment to reflect on how the community’s support of ADC-Michigan makes the vital work we do possible.
As you may know, Fatina and I have been fortunate enough to be involved with ADC for about a year now, which has been full of challenges and opportunities. We have worked hard to continue ADC-Michigan’s grassroots mission of combatting discrimination, defending civil rights and civil liberties of Arab Americans and others, promoting a common understanding of our cultural heritage, and empowering the local Michigan community.
These principles drive every aspect of our work. And thanks to your support, this past year ADC-Michigan’s highlights included:
Launching the Civil Rights Action App for Android and Apple smartphones. This mobile civil rights application, which is the first of its kind, educates Americans about their rights and enables them to report and ultimately prevent hate crimes from occurring.
Taking a stand for voting rights by seeking immediate intervention in Dearborn Heights elections after we discovered that absentee ballots of Arab Americans were not being processed.
Creating the Cyber Civil Rights Monitor, which positions cyber assaults, revenge porn, and other cyber injustices as civil rights violations, and was featured in national media.
Initiating the first Medgar Evers Summer Internship Program this year in order to forge alliances and improve relations between Arab-American and African-American youth.
Presenting the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Scholarship Awards to high school students who demonstrate the drive, determination, and will to succeed that characterized the life of Dr. King.
Activating the Youth for Civil Rights mentorship and empowerment program in order to enlighten Arab-American youth about civil rights and inspire them to become advocates for tolerance, coexistence, and peace.
We continue to provide vital pro bono legal assistance to the community on a daily basis, work on coalition building, and pursue policy initiatives with various government agencies to impact a more positive discrimination-free environment for our community and our children.
With 2015 just around the corner, ADC-Michigan is gearing up for another year of success. We can only succeed with you on board. We are asking you to join us in supporting our efforts in making a contribution to help continue our important work in the local Michigan community this coming year.
Remember, when you donate to ADC-Michigan, you are investing in the future of the Arab-American community. Finally, your generous contribution is tax-deductible when you contribute to the ADC Research Institute (ADC-RI), a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.
We wish you the best for a serene, happy, and healthy 2015 and look forward to keeping in touch and continuing to build a formidable organization for the civil rights of people of Arab descent and their rich cultural heritage.
Warmest Regards,
Samer Khalaf, Esq.

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