Washington, D.C. | www.adc.org | January 27, 2025 – The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) strongly condemns Israel’s continued refusal to honor the U.S.-brokered ceasefires in Gaza and Lebanon. This weekend alone, Israeli troops opened fire on unarmed Lebanese civilians seeking to reclaim their villages, killing and wounding scores. In Gaza, families returning north after more than a year of displacement have faced gunfire, restrictions, and destroyed homes. These incidents are part of Israel’s open and obvious pattern of repeated breaches—estimated at 660 to 800 documented violations in Lebanon since November 27—ranging from unauthorized aerial incursions and the continued occupation of villages to shelling and home demolitions. Such actions blatantly disregard international law, worsen the humanitarian crisis on the ground, and deepen Israel’s isolation from the global community.
The ADC urgently calls on the new Trump administration to exert common sense and moral responsibility to stop this unnecessary bloodshed. Rather than enabling these violations, the U.S. must demand Israel’s immediate compliance with ceasefire agreements and an end to violence against civilians.
The world cannot watch idly as families attempt to return home only to find themselves yet again in the crosshairs of senseless violence. It is time for genuine accountability and for an end to the impunity that undermines the hopes of so many people seeking a just and lasting peace.