Statement from ADC on Harvard University’s Adoption of the IHRA Definition of Antisemitism

Washington, D.C. | | January 22, 2025 – Harvard University has now embraced the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism, which effectively declares criticism of Israel as a form of antisemitism. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the pro-Israeli lobby have spent extraordinary amounts of time mobilizing resources to pass the IHRA definition of anti-semitism in federal courts, state legislatures, and schools. This battle did not begin at Harvard University but rather has been decades in the making, with this announcement marking another attack on the freedom of speech of Arab Americans and other pro-Palestinian allies.

Rather than promoting genuine understanding of antisemitism, the IHRA definition weaponizes ‘antisemitism’ to undermine Palestine advocacy by criminalizing legitimate criticisms of the Israeli government. IHRA also criminalizes and punishes any criticism of the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories, which is recognized as illegal under international law.

The proposed definition is not intended to provide a concrete, functional definition of what constitutes antisemitic prejudice and discrimination, but rather it is an attempt to stifle the free speech and expression of all Americans.

The ADC, alongside other civil rights organizations, is concerned by the adoption of this definition and the potential consequences for Arab Americans and our allies. With Harvard taking on this definition and setting a precedent, it is imperative that other universities do not follow suit. We reject the need for any legislative definition of antisemitism, as it serves only to stifle necessary discourse rather than address true discrimination against Jewish people.

This definition harms the Palestinian movement and endangers students, faculty, and staff at universities. The students and employees at Harvard are now subject to hate crime allegations and potential administrative issues.

We call upon university leaders across the country to reject the IHRA’s definition of antisemitism and to uphold the First Amendment rights of pro-Palestinian allies.

About ADC

The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) is the largest Arab American grassroots organization in the U.S., founded in 1980 by former Senator James Abourezk. ADC’s mission is to defend and promote the human rights, civil rights, and liberties of at least 3.7 million Arab Americans residing in the United States. Through its work, ADC fights discrimination in the U.S., enhances public understanding of Arab history and culture, and partners with marginalized communities globally to advance social justice.

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