Session Announcement: The Social Psychology Behind Communications Strategy

Session Announcement: The Social Psychology Behind Communications Strategy

Washington, D.C. | | June 7, 2023 – We are thrilled to announce a captivating session added to the upcoming ADC National Convention program. The convention is set to occur from June 16th to the 18th, 2023, and will include an engaging session called The Social Psychology Behind Communications Strategy. This session will be held on Saturday, June 17th and will kick off an action packed day of discussion and events.

Hosted by ReThink Media, this session will be a foundational course for advocates, communications staff, and spokespeople on effective and persuasive communications. It will cover the social psychology concepts that underpin all basic communications and media relations strategy. Participants will learn what makes messages powerful and how to appeal and message to audiences strategically regarding social justice issues affecting Arabs in the US. They will also learn how to avoid the common mistakes advocates make in communications.

The ADC National Convention will be held from June 16th to the 18th, 2023, The Social Psychology Behind Communications Strategy on June 17th. Early Bird Registration rates are available for Convention packages which include access to all events, luncheons, dinners, panels, and receptions. Register now!

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