Save the Date: The Alex Odeh Memorial Banquet


American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee

The ADC Orange County Chapter Cordially Invites You To:

The Alex Odeh Memorial Banquet

In Pursuit of Justice

Featuring Keynote Speaker

Cindy Corrie
Mother of Peace Activist & Martyr Rachel Corrie.
President, The Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice

Award Recipients

Sama Wareh, The Rachel Corrie Award

Artist, Author, Humanitarian and Environmental Educator

Miko Peled, The Conscience and Courage Award

Peace Activist and Author, “The General’s Son”.

Lila Garrett, The Truth in Media Award

Television Screenwriter and Radio Host: Connect the Dots, KPFK

Norman Tanber and George Hanna, The Lifetime Achievement and Philanthropy Award

Political Activists and Philanthropists

           Sunday, October 5, 2014
           Sheraton Park Hotel at the Anaheim Resort

           1855 South Harbor Boulevard, Anaheim, CA 92802 

Reception: 5:00pm          Dinner & Program: 6:00pm         Social: 9:00pm

Program includes a raffle and a musical performance

 Semi-Formal or Business Attire Recommended

Click here for tickets 

For information and tickets contact [email protected] & (714)641-5884.

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