ADC National Convention: It Takes a Community
Click here to register now for the ADC Convention! Early Bird Registration for Members is only $199, and you get access to all these great events!
- Members Briefing at the U.S. Department of State
- Advocacy Day: Meetings with Congressional Staff
- Debriefing on Capitol Hill
- Congressional Dinner – Capitol Hill
- Evening Reception
- The BDS Movement: A Palestinian Struggle to Achieve a Lasting Peace based on International Law, Justice, and Freedom
- Annual Civil Rights Luncheon: Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act
- Civil Rights Panel: 50 Years After the Civil Rights Act: Challenges and Opportunities
- Lawyers Report back from Guantanamo Bay
- Activism on College Campuses: Best Practices for Campus Activism
- Network of Arab American Lawyers of ADC (NAALA) Reception
- Friday Night Gala: Celebrating a Community, Celebrating Diversity
- Racial, Religious and Ethnic Self-Identification: Beyond Categories
- Immigration Reform: Update and Insight
- Arabs Outside the Arab Center – A look at emerging communities from outside the Levant
- Women’s Empowerment Luncheon
- Social Activism in the 21st Century: Facilitating Change through the media and Web Roots
- Activism in the Arts: How to Create Change through Artistic Expression
- The Criminalization of Being Arab
- Saturday Night Awards Gala
- Haffla Dance Party
- General Assembly Meeting
- Palestine Panel: Ending the Occupation or Beginning Annexation?
- Palestine Luncheon