Reminder: Get Your Tickets For International Women’s Day Celebration 2015!


American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee



Time is running out, click here to purchase tickets or be a sponsor!

Dear Supporter,

On behalf of ADC-Women’s Empowerment Forum (ADC-WEF), I am delighted to invite you to the annual International Women’s Day Celebration on Tuesday, March 31st, 2015. ADC-WEF will be honoring May Rihani (Women’s Empowerment & Girls’ Education), the Hon. Hind Al-Fayez (Member of Parliament of The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan), Jihan Mansour (Egyptian TV Media Anchor), and Ralph Nader (Consumer Advocate and Author). The event will be held at the Downtown Ritz-Carlton Hotel and will include a panel discussion on the topic of this year’s theme, Women for Peace. Following the panel will be a keynote dinner and awards ceremony. 

Location: Ritz-Carlton Hotel

Address:  1150 22nd Street, NW, Washington, DC 20037

Time:       5:00PM – Registration begins
                5:30PM – Women for Peace Panel Discussion

                6:30PM – Keynote Dinner and Awards Ceremony
                9:00PM – Book Signing Session with May Rihani and Ralph Nader
Tickets:   $125 per person and $1,500 for a table. 

Panel Participants

  • Dr. Osama Abi-Mershed, Director of the Center for Contemporary Arab Studies of Georgetown University 
  • Ambassador Wendy Chamberlin, President of the Middle East Institute
  • Melanie Greenberg, President & CEO of the Alliance for Peacebuilding
  • Souleyma Haddaoui,Visiting scholar at Georgetown University
  • Dania Korkor, Legal Analyst at FairVote, the Center for Voting and Democracy

Opportunities for sponsorship are available at different levels and include one full table, mention in the program and recognition during the event:
Silver Level: $1,500
Gold Level: $5,000
Platinum Level: $10,000

If you have any questions please contact me or Jala Naguib at 202.244.2990 or [email protected].


Nabil Mohamad
ADC Vice President

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