Reminder: ADC-Women’s Empowerment Forum Panel Discussion Tonight In D.C.
Washington, DC | | March 20, 2015 - The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee Women’s Empowerment Forum (ADC-WEF) presents, “Behind Closed Doors: Domestic Violence in Arab and Immigrant Communities.” This event will be held live Tonight, Friday, March 20, 2015 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm at:
Impact Hub DC
419 7th Street NW
2nd Floor (Main Floor)
Washington, D.C. 20004
Register now:
There is still time to register for tonight’s event, which can be viewed in person or online! To register, please email ADC Legal at [email protected] and indicate if you will be attending in person or viewing the webcast. ADC encourages people to attend in person; however this event will also be available via live webcast. The live webcast may be viewed on Ustream by clicking this link and clicking the “Remind me” tab. Please send an RSVP email to [email protected] even if you have already registered for the webcast through Ustream.
Salma Elkadi Abudgideiri
Founding Board Member, Peaceful Families Project
Lena Alhusseini
Executive Director, Arab American Family Support Center
Lee Hopkins
Social Services Program Manager, Tahirih Justice Center
Aisha Rahman, Esq.
Executive Director, KARAMAH
Darakshan Raja
Program Manager, Washington Peace Center
Advisor, Project Hajra
Domestic violence is a major problem that plagues all communities, including immigrant communities. Domestic violence cannot be overlooked or ignored. The Arab-American community must take active steps to open the “closed door” and address domestic violence.
This program will discuss key issues and trends in domestic violence, and educate attendees on important services for addressing domestic violence. It will inform attendees on best practices for working with law enforcement to combat domestic violence, as well as best practices for persons in the social work and family health fields.
This program is presented as part of the ADC Arabesque Lecture Series. ADC uses the Arabesque Lecture Series programs and events to educate both Arab-American and non-Arab American communities on important issues we face in society.This event is presented in co-sponsorship with the Tahirih Justice Center.

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ADC | 1990 M Street NW, Suite 610 | Washington, DC 20036 | (202) 244-2990 | [email protected]
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