Register Now! ADC Advocacy Day & Congressional Dinner

American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee

ADC National Convention: Advocacy Day & Congressional Dinner

Washington, D.C. | | May 6, 2014 – Register now and join Arab Americans from across the country for the ADC Advocacy Day and Congressional Dinner, as part of the ADC 34th Annual National Convention! Advocacy Day is an important part of ADC’s National Convention as it gives you an opportunity to directly participate in the democratic process. ADC encourages you to take part in this unique opportunity to meet with your representatives and respectfully discuss issues that are important to you and the Arab American community.

Please note that due to limited seating, the Congressional Dinner is only available to the first 175 registrants. Registration to the dinner will close once the seats are filled. Access to the dinner is only available by registering for the ADC Convention. Click here to register now!  

Make your meetings now!  

Advocacy Day is only five weeks away.  Contact your Senators and Members of Congress today to request a meeting for Thursday, June 12, 2014. As part of the registration package Convention attendees will have full access to Advocacy Day events, including the briefings with senior-level administration officials, and the Congressional Dinner. For help scheduling a meeting, or for additional information about ADC Advocacy Day, please send an email to [email protected]

Click here to search your Representatives’ phone numbers by state

Click here to search your Senators’ phone numbers by state

It takes a Community

It takes a community of engaged and organized members to change public policy.  Your congressional leaders need to hear from the diverse voices of the Arab American community.  Whether it’s civil rights, immigration reform, or any other about which you feel strongly, it is important to make your voice heard.

Register for the ADC Convention Now!

Early Registration Now Open!

To Register: Register before June 1 and get a $100 discount ($99 for students, $199 for ADC Members, and $299 for Non-Members) 

Click here to become a Sponsor.

Click here to Reserve a Hotel Room.

Click here to view the 2014 National Convention Facebook page. 

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ADC | 1990 M Street NW, Suite 610 | Washington, DC 20036 | (202) 244-2990 | [email protected]

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