Press Releases

2. Self-defense
"Israel's invasion of Palestinian cities and refugee camps is self-defense against suicide bombings. No country can tolerate its ...
3. Arafat’s silence
"Arafat refuses to condemn suicide bombings in Arabic, i.e. for his domestic Palestinian audience."
4. Arafat’s inaction
"Arafat has not done enough to stop terrorism."
5. Israel’s generosity
"Arafat spurned Barak's generous offer at Camp David and broke off negotiations with Israel."
Barak’s “generous” offer
What Barak offered at Camp David was a formula for continued Israeli military occupation under the name of ...
The negotiations continued
While it is true that the July 2000 Camp David summit ended without agreement, the negotiations did not ...
6. Arafat’s Intifada
"Arafat started the Intifada after he failed to get what he wanted at Camp David."
Devastation Only Feeds Resistance to Israeli Rule
By HUSSEIN IBISH The Los Angeles Times May 6, 2002 Not only has Israel been allowed to prevent ...
1998-2000 Report on Hate Crimes and Discrimination Against Arab Americans–Table of Contents
Table of Contents Executive Summary, 8 I - Legal Issues, 10 A)Introduction, 10 B)Physical and Psychological Attacks, 10 ...
ADC Fact Sheet: The Condition of Arab Americans Post-9/11
Washington, DC, March 27, 2002 — Following the appalling September 11 attacks on the United States, the Arab-American ...
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