Open: ADC Board Nominations

The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) is seeking nominations for three (4), and up to (6) Board positions in the upcoming ADC National Board elections. ADC encourages the nomination of members who are able to strengthen ADC’s grassroots strategy, broaden the membership base, assist in raising funds, and expand the organization. Self-nominations are welcomed. Candidates should fit the criteria listed below to ensure ADC achieves the above goals. Please be aware that the Nominating Committee will review all nominations.

  • Cover letter addressed to the ADC National Board Election Committee
  • Copy of CV or Resume
  • Current dues paying ADC Member
  • Three positive written references from current ADC Members
  • A written statement (up to 1,000 words) describing your interest in serving on the board and explaining how you plan to contribute to ADC’s mission and vision.

Email completed package to [email protected].

Key Expectations for Board Members

Team Player: It’s important for board members to work effectively in a team, ensuring they contribute to and respect collective decisions while fostering a cooperative and harmonious environment.

Communication Skills: Strong written and verbal communication skills are essential for board members, enabling them to articulate ideas clearly in both internal discussions and public forums.

Commitment to the cause: Advocacy for the organization’s mission and goals is crucial; board members should be ready to promote these within their networks and in broader public or policy settings.

Time commitment: Adequate time commitment is necessary for board members to fully engage in the role, including attending meetings, participating in committees, and contributing to organizational activities.

Conflict of interest: Transparency is key, so board members must declare any potential conflicts of interest and recuse themselves from discussions or decisions where such conflicts may arise, maintaining the board’s integrity.

Confidentiality: Maintaining confidentiality is a critical responsibility for board members, who must safeguard sensitive information and respect the privacy of the organization and its stakeholders.

Commitment to ADC’s Cause and Mission:

  • Passion for Civil Rights: Demonstrated commitment to the protection and promotion of civil rights for Arab Americans and all marginalized communities.
  • Understanding of ADC’s Mission: Deep understanding and alignment with ADC’s mission to combat discrimination and defend the rights of people of Arab descent while promoting their rich cultural heritage.
  • Advocacy Experience: Experience in advocacy, community organizing, or related fields, particularly in issues concerning civil rights, social justice, and anti-discrimination efforts.

Support of the Organization:

  • Active Involvement: Willingness to participate actively in ADC events, campaigns, and initiatives.
  • Financial Commitment: Actively participate in fundraising efforts, including organizing events, soliciting donations, and securing sponsorships to meet the $20,000 annual commitment.
  • Representation: Ability to represent ADC’s values and mission in various settings, including public speaking, media appearances, and community events.

Typical Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Attend Meetings: Regularly attend ADC meetings, including board meetings, strategy sessions, and special events.
  • Expansion Efforts: Assist in expanding ADC in local city, including assisting in creation of Chapters, opening of office, and building relationships with key stakeholders in the board members local area, and work on initiatives to grow ADC’s membership base.
  • Contribute to Strategic Planning: Participate in the development and implementation of ADC’s strategic goals and initiatives.
  • Policy Development: Assist in the formulation of policies and positions on key issues relevant to the Arab American community.

Date of posting: September 1, 2024

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