Washington, DC | May 21, 2007 | www.adc.org | There is only one day left to register for the discounted hotel rate at the Omni Shoreham Hotel for the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee’s (ADC) Annual National Convention. Tuesday, May 22, 2007 is the last day to register for $159/night for single or double occupancy. After May 22, the hotel charge will exceed $300 a night for single or double occupancy.
Those planning to attend are requested to reserve hotel rooms by using the following link and using the ADC group code 12400607815: www.omnihotels.com/FindAHotel/WashingtonDCShoreham.aspx
Register early online for the Convention, total early discounted price, including access to all events with five meals included, is $295. You must register online by Monday May 21, 2007 to secure the discounted price of $295. The student rate is $195, you must have a valid student ID and be registered full time to qualify for the student rate. After May 21, registration for the entire convention package goes to the regular price of $345.
Register online at www.adc.org
To place an advertisement or a message of appreciation to an award recipient in the Convention Book, and to help support ADC, please see: www.adc.org/PDF/Sponsorship2007.pdf
UPDATED CONVENTION PROGRAM SCHEDULE: Detailed schedule with an updated list of confirmed speakers available at: www.adc.org/PDF/convsched.pdf