Missed our Alex Odeh Virtual Memorial Gala? Watch it Here!

Thank you to everyone who made our 2020 Alex Odeh Virtual Memorial Gala a success! While COVID-19 kept us physically apart, we are grateful to have had the opportunity to share the evening with you virtually. ADC would like to thank everyone who made donations during the gala and want you to know your generosity is greatly appreciated. The pandemic has really hit us financially and your donations go a long way in helping us advocate for and defend Arab Americans nationwide. Still would like to make a donation? It’s never too late and we will need all the help we can get going into the new year! We had a great night and are dedicated to continuing the work we do to serve the Arab American community. 

You can watch the gala here if you missed it the first time or if you’d just like to rewatch your favorite segments!

We would also like to thank our wonderful guests whom we could not have done it without. We also cannot forget about the production team, Infinity Creatives, for pulling together a great virtual event. Thank you also to our sponsors the New Levant Foundation, Jeff Boshar of Bay Financial Associates and the Law Office of Howard L. Stovall. 

Please stay tuned for more updates from us about the coming year! We are excited to start strong and know that with your help, we can. 

Thank you!

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