Michigan Supreme Court Justice McCormack to Receive Guardian of Justice Award at ADC’s 12th Annual Judges Night

Dearborn, MI | www.adcmich.org | October 06, 2014
The ADC Michigan Office is pleased to announce Michigan Supreme Court Justice Bridget Mary McCormack as the recipient of the 12th Annual Guardian of Justice Award.
Justice McCormack joined the Michigan Supreme Court in January 2013. Before her election to the Court in November 2012, she was a law professor and dean at the University of Michigan Law School. In 2008, then-Associate Dean McCormack cofounded the Michigan Innocence Clinic, in which students represent wrongfully convicted Michiganders.
ADC-Michigan Director Attorney Fatina Abdrabboh said, “it is the great privilege of the ADC-Michigan and our community to recognize the outstanding contributions and achievements of this remarkable woman. She has been a strong proponent of justice in the legal field. We are pleased to honor her with a special award for her extraordinary leadership in the field of law, academics, and in advancing justice for all Americans.”
Judges Night, an annual event hosted by the ADC Michigan, was established in an effort to recognize judges who exhibit distinguished leadership and those committed to justice and strive to uphold the letters of the Constitution. This Year, City of Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan will deliver the Keynote Address. This is ADC’s 12th Annual Judges Night Reception.
In recent years, ADC Michigan is proud to have honored several judges, including Judge Marilyn Kelly, Michigan Supreme Court Chief Justice, and Judge Damon J. Keith of the U.S. Court of Appeals.
Please note this event is by invitation only.
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