Press Releases

Travel Advisory: Exercise caution and report discrimination to ADC
Washington, DC | | December 30, 2015 - The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) advises community members to ...
Your chance to support ADC in 2015
Dear Friends, As the end of the year approaches, so does your last opportunity to make a tax-deductible ...
Your chance to support ADC in 2015
Dear Friends, As the end of the year approaches, so does your last opportunity to make a tax-deductible ...
Visa Waiver Program DOES NOT MEAN WAIVER OF Security: HR 158 Just Political Clout for Congress to Say Did Something, A Facade to Discrimination
Yolanda Rondon, ADC Staff Attorney With all the misinformation, and political rhetoric that Congress just wants to keep ...
ADC Outraged by Discriminatory Provisions in Omnibus Bill
WASHINGTON, D.C. | | December 16, 2015 - Congress has concluded negotiations over how to fund the federal government ...
ADC Statement on Anti-Arab Backlash and Islamophobia
Thursday December 10, 2015 As the country continues to grasp the horrible act of violence which occurred in ...
ADC Calls on Donald Trump to Drop Out of Race
Washington, D.C. | | December 14, 2015 –In light of  the rise of anti-Arab backlash, Islamophobia and ...
ADC hosts press conference on political rhetoric targeting Arabs and Muslims
Washington, DC | | December 10, 2015 -The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) held a press conference to discuss ...
#EveryoneCounts: Everyone deserves representation, including children and refugees
Washington, DC | | December 8, 2015 - The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) strongly believes that everyone ...
ADC urges Congress to vote no to H.R. 158 due to discriminatory exclusions
Washington, DC | | December 7, 2015- The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) strongly urges Congress to vote no ...
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