Press Releases

House Committee Holds Hearing on Bill Ending Secret Evidence in American Courts
WASHINGTON, DC -- Members of Congress, victims of secret evidence and civil rights leaders today demanded an end ...
Ibish Replies to Pipes in the Jerusalem Post
Letter to the Editor: Pipes Slandered Me From Hussein Ibish The Jerusalem Post August 18, 2000, Pg. 8a ...
Bond Hearing for Secret Evidence Victim
BRADENTON, Florida -- Tuesday, August 29th, a bond hearing mandated by a federal judge will be held for ...
Guilty of Flying While Brown By Kareem Shora, JD, LL.M.
Since September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on our country, “Flying While Brown” seems to have joined the similar ...
A Bibliography of Anti-Arab Discrimination, Stereotyping, and Media Bias
Post-9-/11 Report on Hate Crimes and Discrimination (Washington, DC: ADC Research Institute, 2002). Detailed report on anti-Arab incidents ...
Did civil liberties suffer collateral damage from 9/11?
CNN SATURDAY MORNING NEWS ANDERSON COOPER, CNN ANCHOR: So, did civil liberties suffer collateral damage from 9/11? From ...
1. No moral equivalence
"There is no moral equivalence between suicide bombings on the one hand, and Israel's killing of Palestinians on ...
1. First Steps
Parents should first approach the teacher or principal. Describe the incident(s) and the effect on your child. If ...
How to Respond to Incidents of Discrimination in Schools–Advice to Parents
If students believe that other students, teachers, or school staff members are treating them in a discriminatory way, ...
Immigration Law Advisory – Change of Address
Atlanta Immigration Judge William A. Cassidy declared that the federal government cannot deport legal immigrants for not willfully ...
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