Press Releases

“The misadventures of neoconservatives”
April 15, 2003 By Ali Abunimah and Hussein Ibish As the war in Iraq moves toward its conclusion, ...
“America must restore its Middle East credibility”
by Dr. Ziad J. Asali As tension mounts in the Arab world over the Iraq war, it is ...
Daniel Pipes
Click here to oppose his nomination to the US Institute of Peace Daniel Pipes is fundamentally opposed to ...
Dallas Morning News Column on ADC President Ziad Asali
The following article by Dallas Morning News columnist William McKenzie discusses the ideas of ADC President Ziad Asali. ...
ADC Sponsors Hill Event on U.S.-Saudi Relations
On March 26, 2003, ADC hosted a briefing on Capitol Hill on U.S.-Saudi relations. The four distinguished panelists ...
U.S. Fumbling Postwar Plan
By Hussein Ibish Special to The LA Times If concern is growing that ideological convictions at the Defense ...
Al-Jazeera Available Through Dish Network
Al-Jazeera, the independent Qatar-based news station, has been the subject of much discussion in the past several weeks. ...
U.S. invasion has landed it in Israeli territory
By TARIF ABBOUSHI Two weeks and 8,000 missiles into the war on Iraq, things have not gone quite ...
Over 2 Million Hits and Counting…
For the month of March 2003, ADC's website received 2,535,921 hits. This represents a 42% increase over ...
Hate Crimes Against Arab Americans and Muslims
The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) continues to monitor an increase in reports of alleged hate-motivated crimes and physical ...
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