Press Releases

ADC Condemns Bombing in Jordan
Washington DC, November 10, 2005–The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) extends its deepest sympathy to the people of Jordan, ...
ADC Update: ADC is Moving
Washington, DC, November 3, 2005 -- Please note that the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) will be moving to ...
Mahrajan Al Fan, Arab Arts Festival, in New York, Nov 4-6
Mahrajan Al-Fan, a celebration of Arab and Arab-American culture, was created by master musician/composer Simon Shaheen and the ...
Arab American Comedy Festival in New York, Nov 13-17
We are happy to announce that tickets for the third annual NY Arab-American Comedy Festival are now on ...
Wisdom of Young Arab-American Artists
Rarely when discussing Arab-American civil rights and culture does one hear about the opinion of children and young ...
NUSACC Testimony on US-Bahrain Free Trade Agreement
The National U.S.-Arab Chamber of Commerce (NUSACC) is pleased to attach testimony that we delivered recently before the ...
U.S. Passports to Receive Electronic Identification Chips
Wednesday, October 26, 2005 Source: The State Department yesterday issued final rules for implanting electronic identification chips ...
ADC Supports Congressional Efforts to Reauthorize the Voting Rights Act
ADC Press Release: October 26, 2005 Washington, DC --The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) supports Congressional efforts to reauthorize ...
The Studio Theater Presents “Guantanamo: Honor Bound To Defend Freedom”
October 26, 2005 Washington, D.C. -- Tight, tense and boldly current, Guantanamo tells the gripping true stories of ...
Mapquest Sidesteps Requests to Correct Blatantly Inaccurate Map of Israel
October 26, 2005 Ira Glunts, The Electronic Intifada, 25 October 2005 THE PROBLEM Changing the map of the ...
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