Action Alerts

Urge your Congressmen to Join Rep. Sanchez in Calling for Justice for Alex Odeh
Urge your Congressmen to Join Rep. Sanchez in Calling for Justice for Alex Odeh This month we marked the 28th anniversary of the assassination ...
President Obama: Don’t Send Egyptians Back into Harms Way
President Obama: Don't Send Egyptians Back into Harms Way President Obama: Don't Send Egyptians Back into Harms Way On September 18th, ADC filed a ...
Ask President Obama NOT to Nominate Ray Kelly for DHS
Ask President Obama NOT to Nominate Ray Kelly for DHS As you know, DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano recently announced that she will be stepping ...
Ask Congress to Protect the Voting Rights of all Americans
Ask Congress to Protect the Voting Rights of all Americans Yesterday the United States Supreme Court delivered a stunning setback to the voting rights ...
Don’t Bring the SAFE Act Up For a Vote
Don't Bring the SAFE Act Up For a Vote On Tuesday, we asked you to call congress and ask to vote no on the ...
Justice for Alex Odeh, killed by terrorists 28 years ago
Justice for Alex Odeh, killed by terrorists 28 years ago October 11, 1985, Alex Odeh, the ADC Southern California Regional Director, was killed by ...
Urge Your Elected Officials to Hold Hearings on NSA Surveillance
Urge Your Elected Officials to Hold Hearings on NSA Surveillance As you know, we have just learned about the secret National Security Agency (NSA) ...
Oppose Racial Profiling Amendments to the Immigration Reform Bill (S. 744)
Oppose Racial Profiling Amendments to the Immigration Reform Bill (S. 744) Please take action if you live in one of the following 15 states: ...
Tell Newseum to Honor Palestinian Journalists Killed in Line of Duty
Tell Newseum to Honor Palestinian Journalists Killed in Line of Duty Earlier today, we contacted the Newseum to express our deep concern regarding their ...
Senator Boxer: Don’t Legalize Israel’s Discriminate Against Us
Senator Boxer: Don't Legalize Israel's Discriminate Against Us Last month, we asked you to contact your senators regarding a controversial bill that would legalize ...
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