Ramadan Solidarity Action for Guantanamo Prisoners and Palestine
When: Today, Monday July 14th at 7PM-8:40PM
Where: In Front of Lafayette Square Park (North of the White House)
RSVP on Facebook!
The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) will not be attending this year’s government iftars and calls upon members of the Arab and Muslim communities to join us in the boycott, including tonight’s White House Iftar hosted by President Barack Obama, given the government’s condoning of the current slaughter of Palestinians in Palestine and the spying of American Arabs and Muslims domestically.
Despite Obama’s numerous promises to close Gitmo, 12 years later, 150 prisoners (many of whom have been cleared for release) are still languishing in prison. Join us tonight in front of Lafayette Square Park to express our solidarity with these prisoners, draw attention to the ongoing atrocities committed by Israel against the Palestinians, and stand in solidarity with the survivors and families that have been so gravely affected.
It is time to stand up against whitewash of US policies targeting Muslims. We call upon those invited to the White House Iftar to not let their presence be used like this.

Call the White House (202) 456-1111 and Secretary of State John Kerry (202) 647-4000 and demand condemnation of the Israeli assault on Gaza. Call the Israeli Embassy in DC too: (202) 364-5500.
Click here to send a letter to Congress and President Obama demanding an end to Israel’s attack on Gaza!
Media contact: [email protected]

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